Over the last 18 months everyone has their own story about the profound time we have lived through and how Covid 19 has affected us, and still does.
The impact is being felt in all sorts of ways and I thought I’d share our story about “How Sugar Cream Vintage Is Surviving the Pandemic?!”.
Some of you might know that we needed to close our shop at Terminal21 in Bangkok for many months, due to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th waves of covid-19 cases in Thailand.
Throughout that time we were brain storming about what we could do to make Sugar Cream Vintage survive in such a terrible crisis. We kept asking ourselves how how, how??
We have worked so hard for over 10 years to build the business with sweat and tears - we don’t want it to end. Since we opened our 1st store in Lido Theatre, we have met so many likeminded customers, many who have become friends. Having built this community, we knew we had to find a way to carry on!
So we turned our ship and headed to the other ocean and took the business ONLINE.
We had zero knowledge about it, but realised that it was the only light at the end of the tunnel for us. We soon realised it was so much more than just building a website.
We had to think deeply about what more we can do to make customers feel as happy about shopping with us online as they would in our store.
There were also so many processes at the back of the house to make sure the online experience was smooth. It's not been easy, but we're thirsty to learn and enjoy doing it because we love what we do and we do what we love.
It’s been an amazing experience to fight for what we are so passionate about and then see the response from Vintage lovers all over the world – since going online we have sent out of over almost 600 unique, beautiful pieces, to many countries.

Even though the store will re-open on the 1st October, we will continue online too.
We want keep learning new things every day - to gain a deeper understanding of the Vintage world and what makes our customers happy, online at sugrarcreamvintage.com or in store at Terminal21.
We also hope that when international travel re-opens, our new customers from around the world might come and visit us, if you ever come to Thailand.
We are re-opening the Terminal21 store on the 1st October. For those of you already in Thailand, I (Tarn) will be in the shop to assist you myself and my staff and I are both fully vaccinated.
For any of you who plan to come and want to book in private shopping with me, please feel free to email me at sugarcreamvintage@gmail.com
One last thing, I just want to let you know that I have prepared a special collection of so many nice products for the shop, which I’m sure you will love, and I’ll be there to help you find that special piece that’s perfect for you!
Looking forward to seeing you guys on the 1st Oct!
Sugar Cream Vintage Clothing, Shop No. 1095 1st Floor- Tokyo , Terminal21 BKK.
See you there!❤️
T a r n 💃🏻